Course Description


The course considers these topics:

  1. What is our identity and purpose as human beings?
  2. How does my own personal, unique identity fit into God’s ultimate purposes for humanity?
  3. What is at the root cause of our moments of foolishness?
  4. What should be our priorities as a people and as individuals at this time?
  5. Are there Scriptural resources to help us understand how we can reach our destinies?

Discussion will be organised around in-depth study of a number of biblical texts, especially from the Old Testament.

Interactive classroom discussion will have a dual focus: on the original meaning of the texts (drawing on recent archaeological and literary discoveries) and their application to life today.

Further details of the course are available here and will be covered at the Taster Days.


The primary teacher—Dr Crispin Fletcher-Louis —has 25 years experience at the forefront of biblical research and teaching. He is an international authority on the temple and Israelite worship, apocalyptic literature, the nature of the earliest beliefs about Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Crispin will be joined by friends and colleagues who have a particular experience applying the core biblical content to the work place, to ministry and mission.


To reserve a place go here.

“I didn’t think biblical theology could be so interesting and fun!”

Jonathan Price, IT Manager